
Gamer, developer, dad.

Welcome to my site/blog/diary. I’m a 40 year old gamer, (opiniated) developer and a dad, not necessarily in that order ;) . I live in the Netherlands together with my wife and kids.

I’ve been gaming and programming since I bought my first computer at the age of 11: and MSX. A couple of years later I started an education for software engineer and got a PC, a good old 486.

I work for one of the largest Email Service Providers in the Netherlands. I’ve been working there for over 15 years now as a developer, system administrator and deliverability specialist.

Opinions are my own.

Recent posts

Moved Server

Published at July 18, 2020 ·  2 min read

When you are reading this, this website is no longer served from my own personal server. I’ve been running my own servers for years, but I didn’t feel like keeping the server up to date, configure it for email etc. So I moved my domain, bosselaar.net, to Google. My email is now hosted by Google G Suite and this website is now running on Google Firebase. Time to remove my VPS....

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Time Flies

Published at July 8, 2020 ·  1 min read

What a year it has been… The last 12 months have flown by and no update on this site, so time to change chat. It’s been a bit over a year now since I lost my brother and a bit over 2 since I lost my father. Most of the time things are going fine and I’m usually a cheerful guy but sometimes the emotions still hit me and it can cost a lot of energy....

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Starting MSX Assembly part 3

Published at June 1, 2019 ·  8 min read

So we’ve seen how we can call the BIOS and how to use an assembler to create a file which can be BLOAD’ed and run on an (emulated) MSX. So now that is out of the way, lets do the mother of all tutorials: Hello world! This can be pretty hard to start with if you want to do this in screen 2 of the MSX. But let’s do this in screen 0 because then we can get some help from the BIOS....

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Published at June 1, 2019 ·  2 min read

So next week is the “fietselfstedentocht”, roughly translated at “11 city cycling tour”. Originally an ice (speed) skating event of about 200km long. By bike this is about 235km which have to be completed in a day. For me, 235km is a thing. I hope I survive ;) The most I have done on my racingbike is 115km by myself. That took about 4.5 hours including some rest. Why would I ride such a distance in a day you might ask?...

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Starting MSX assembly part 2

Published at May 11, 2019 ·  2 min read

So, in the previous post we started with a small assembly program to produce a beep: db $FE ; magic number dw Begin ; begin address of the program dw End - 1 ; end address of the program dw Execute ; program execution address (for ,R option) org $C000 ; The program start at C000h in the MSX's RAM Begin: Execute: CALL $C0 ; Call the BEEP bios routine ret End: What I did not talk about was how to actually use an assembler to create an actual file which the MSX can execute....

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